Dr. Sanjukta Mondal (Parui)

Personal Profile
Dr. Sanjukta Mondal (Parui)
Designation Associate Professor & Head of Department
Department Zoology
Email Id sanjuktaparui@gmail.com
Year of Joining present service 1998
Date of Joining WBES 23-07-1998
Educational Qualifications
Passout Year Examination Passout From Division
2000 Ph.D. Visva-Bharati University
1993 GATE - -
1993 CSIR-NET JRF and LS -
1992 Master of Science (M.Sc.) School of Life Sciences, Sambalpur University First (Achieved 2nd position in University)
1990 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) S.G. Women’s College, Rourkela (Sambalpur University) First (Achieved 7th position in University)
1987 Higher Secondary (H.S.) Rourkela Women’s College (C.H.S.E., Bhubaneswar) First
1985 Secondary Carmel Convent School, Rourkela ( I.C.S.E Board) First
College Served
College Name Served From Served Till
Lady Brabourne College 2006 Jan, 2025
Barasat Govt. College 2002 2006
Darjeeling Govt. College 1998 2002
Teaching Experience
UG Experience PG Experience
26 Years 5 Months 12 Years 2 Months

UG or PG College Name From Date To Date Duration
PG Lady Brabourne College Aug, 2016 Jan, 2025 8 Years 5 Month
UG Lady Brabourne College Dec, 2006 Jan, 2025 18 Years 1 Month
UG Barasat Government College Apr, 2002 Dec, 2006 4 Years 8 Month
UG Darjeeling Government College Jul, 1998 Apr, 2002 3 Years 9 Month
PG Darjeeling Government College Jul, 1998 Apr, 2002 3 Years 9 Month
Research guidance: Ph.D.
Name of Scholar Graduated/Ongoing Thesis Title Year of Registration Registered University Year of Award
Tamal Chakraborty Graduated Studies on Ecology, Taxonomy, Conservation and some biochemical parameters of an important natural soil binder Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. In the coastal belt of East Midnapore, West Bengal and adjacent Odisha, India 2011 Vidyasagar University 2015
Rajat Pramanik Graduated A molecular approach to the developmental basis of Rhizophores and phylogenetic interpretation of intraspecific polymorphism of Selaginella 2007 Vidyasagar University 2012
Barnali Bera Ongoing Epitope mapping of the allergenic proteins of the pollen of Datura sp. and its implications for immunotherapy 2015 Vidyasagar University 0
Area of Research and Interest
Biochemistry (Enzymology), Molecular Biology
Epitope mapping of the allergenic proteins of the pollen of allergenic plants: implications for immunotherapy and studies on the air pollution impact on their etiology
Studies on Eco-taxonomy and Conservation Strategies of an Important Natural Soil binder Ipomoea pes-capre (Family Convolvulaceae) in the Coastal Belt of Bengal & Orissa, India.
Role of Insects (particularly ants) foraging on extrafloral nectarines of certain plants as potential antiherbivore agents and analysis of the biochemical composition of extrafloral nectary.
Studies on stress induced proteins and its associated hormonal changes.
Project details
Sl No. Project Name Year From Year To Funding Agency Sanction No Amount Sanction Type
1 “Extrafloral nectary attributes of some plants growing in Midnapore District of West Bengal, their effect on ant behaviour pattern in facultative ant plant mutualism and their taxonomic significance” 01-02-2014 31-03-2017 UGC- Major Research Project Research Scholar: Debasree Ghosh Ref. No. F.N. 42- 917/2013(SR), dt 14.03.13 1378800 Major
2 'Epitope mapping of the allergenic proteins of the pollen of a few allergenic plants growing in Kolkata: implications for immunotherapy and studies on the air pollution impact on their etiology” 01-08-2013 31-03-2017 UGC- Major Research Project Research Scholar: Barnali Bera Ref. No. F. No. 42-559/2013 (SR), dt. 22.03.13 1305800 Major
3 “Identification, Isolation and Characterization of the allergy causing salivary gland protein of man biting Simuliidae (Diptera) of West Bengal, India 01-03-2001 28-02-2003 UGC- Minor Research Project Ref. No. F. PSW-076/00-01 (ERO), dated 27.02.01] 50000 Minor
4 “A molecular approach to the developmental basis of rhizophores, phylogenetic interpretation of intraspecific polymorphism in Selaginella and possible use of plant extracts in biological control of plant pathogens” 01-04-2001 31-03-2004 UGC- Major Research Project Research Scholar: Rajat Pramanik Ref. No. F3-175/ 2001(SR-II), dated 01.04.01 522040 Major
Publication: Research Papers in Journals
Sl No. Year/Month Title Name of Journal Volume / Page No.
1 2019 Current distribution of Indian Moon Moth (Actias selene Hubner, 1806) in West Bengal, India. International Journal of Current Research, 11(3): 1849-1851. ISSN: 0975-833X. SJIF Scientific Journal Impact Factor 2019: 7.766 11(3): 1849-1851
2 2019 First report of Blepephaeus nepalensis Huyushi, 1981 from India. International Journal of Zoology Studies 4(1): 17-10
3 2019 Variation of protein content with size in three fresh water fishes (Mourola, Bata and Punti) consumed in West Bengal. International Journal of Scientific Research 8(4): 1-2
4 2018 Allergenic Protein Profile Of The Pollen Of Datura sp- A Comparative Study. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts 6(2): 2320-2882
5 2018 The revolution in Microscopy - Simple to electron (Review Article). Annals of Plant Sciences 7.5: 2267-2281
6 2017 Datura stramonium pollen and its possible role in allergenic etiology- Recommendations for standardizations of pollen extracts ASIT. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, 12(3): 62-69
7 2016 Molecules behind flowering. Everyman’s Science 51 (5), 306-310
8 2016 Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity of a edible, medicinally important plant taxa Mollugo pentaphylla L. (Molluginaceae). International Journal of Bioassays 5(7): 4707-4710
9 2016 The developmental variation of the protein profile of the pollen of Datura inoxia: A comparative study. International journal of Bioassays 5.6: 4625-4629
10 2015 Variation in the protein profile of the allergenic pollen of Datura metel with different stages of maturity. International Journal of Current Research (France) 7(6): 17174-17180.
11 2015 Morphology, anatomy, ultrastructure and ant-patrolling of extrafloral nectarines (EFNs) in three species of Mimosaceae. International Journal of Current Research (France) 7(5): 15505-15508.
12 2014 The Phylogenetic Relations and Biogeography of Three Indian and Two African Species of Abrus Adanson. Annals of Plant Sciences 3(06): 726-733
13 2013 Ant foraging on extrafloral nectarines [EFNs] of Ipomoea pes-caprae (Convolvulaceae) in the dune vegetation: Ants as potential antiherbivore agents. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 42(1): 67-74
14 2012 Orange wrapper at mangrove: Trentepholia flava (W.J. Hooker and Arnott) Cribb, a new discovery from Bhitarkanika Conservatory, India. International Journal of Current Research (France) 4(12): 6-11
15 2012 Studies on the prospects and some problems of sand dune vegetation at the fragile coastal zones of West Bengal and Orissa, in Eastern India. African Journal of Plant Science, Academic Journals. 6(2): 48-56.
16 2012 Studies on the phytoresources of coastal dune flora at West Bengal and adjacent Orissa, India International Journal of Science and Nature 3(4): 745-752
17 2011 Antibacterial activity of some selected dye yielding plants in Eastern India. African Journal of Biotechnology 5(9): 510-520
18 2011 Circumscription of the families within Leguminales as determined by cladistic analysis based on seed protein. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(15): 2850-2856
19 2011 Allergenicity and antigenic cross-reactivity of the pollen of Helianthus annuus and Ricinus communis. Science Journal, Lady Brabourne College 3:106-117
20 2011 Synthesis of Ecofriendly Silver Nanoparticle from Plant Latex used as an Important Taxonomic Tool for Phylogenetic Interrelationship. Advances in Bioresearch 2(1): 122-133
21 2010 Ethnobryology - Seeking more deserving future. Front. Biol. 1(1): 31-36
22 2009 The free amino acids of pollen of some angiospermic taxa as taxonomic markers for phylogenetic interrelationships. Current Science 96(8): 1071-1081
23 2009 Studies on the variation in the phenomenon of guttation (the natural biological waste) in some terrestrial and aquatic plant taxa. Bull. Biol. Sci. 7(3): 151-161
24 2007 Evaluation of electroelution and immunodiffusion as methods for purification and identification of the allergenic proteins of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. pollen. Grana 46: 91-97
25 2007 The allergenic protein profile of the salivary glands of the female of Simulium (Nevermannia) praelargum. Proc. Zool. Soc., Calcutta 60 (1): 21-25
26 2007 Electrophoretic evidence for interspecific variation between three species of Pteris Linn. Journal of Botanical Society of Bengal 61(2): 75-82
27 2007 Biochemical analysis of the allergenic pollen of Saccharum spontaneum Linn. and Cymbopogon schoenanthes Spreng. Advances in Environmental Biopollution pp.373-380
28 2003 Comparative Study of the free amino acids of the Different Part of Selaginella suberecta BK. Science and Culture 69(3-4): 163-164
29 2002 Soluble protein profile, free amino acid composition and other biochemical studies of Chara flaccida Braun (Charophyceae). Journal of National Botanical Society 56: 57-63
30 2002 Comparative study of free amino acid composition of four species of Selaginella P. Beauv. Phytomorphology 52(4): 337-345
31 2002 Identification of the allergenic proteins of Cassia siamea Lamk. Pollen. Grana 41: 39-43
32 2002 Biochemical studies on the effects of physiological stress on the sporocarps of Marsilea minuta Linn Phytomorphology 52(2&3): 129-138
33 2002 Electrophoretic patterns of soluble proteins, peroxidase and esterase isozymes profiles as taxonomic criteria in the morphologically related species of Chara L. (Charophyceae). Phytomorphology 52(2&3): 179-188
34 2001 DNA, peroxidase profile, and biochemical composition changes during the treatment in vitro of pollen of Argemone mexicana L. with SO2. Grana 40: 154-158
35 2000 Molecular taxonomy of the genus Cassia L. based on seed protein and mitochondrial DNA RFLP. Phytomorphology 50(1): 15-25
36 1999 Biochemical analysis of twelve Eastern Himalayan species of Riccia (Mich.) L. Phytomorphology 49(3): 267-276
37 1999 Identification and partial characterization of the allergenic proteins of Ricinus communis L. pollen – a new approach. Grana 38: 311-315
38 1999 Studies on Medicinal Plants of West Bengal Used in Snake Bite. Environment & Ecology 17(1): 154-156
39 1999 Identification and partial characterization of the allergenic proteins of Ricinus communis L. pollen – a new approach. Grana 38: 311-315
40 1999 Biochemical analysis of ten Eastern Himalayan Species of Marchantia L. – A Comparative Study. Research Journal Of Chemistry and Environment 3(1): 31-37
41 1999 Comparative biochemistry of the vegetative and reproductive thallus of the monogeneric species Targionia hypophylla L Journal of National Botanical Society 53: 49-53
42 1998 Studies on the effect of temperature on the germination of seeds Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 3(2): 168-171
43 1998 Protein profile of the allergenic pollen of Ipomoea fistulosa L. – A comparative study. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 5: 131-134
44 1998 Analysis of the free amino acid content in pollen of nine Asteraceae species of known allergenic activity. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 5: 17-20
45 1998 Biochemical Analysis of the Pollen of Ricinus communis L Environment & Ecology 16(1): 40-43
46 1998 Biochemical analysis of four species of Cassia L. pollen. Aerobiologia 14: 45-50
47 1998 Phylogenetic relationships between four species of Cassia L. based on pollen morphology, chemotaxonomy and phytoserology. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 5(1): 63-75
48 1998 Protein content and Patient Skin test sensitivity of the pollen of Argemone mexicana on exposure to SO2 Grana 37: 121-124
49 1998 Biochemical analysis and skin test of the allergenic pollen of Datura metel L. Current Science 74(1): 66-68
50 1998 Peroxidase isozyme profiles of immature and mature pollen of seven tropical plants from eastern India. Grana 37: 228-232
51 1998 Morphological and Phytochemical (free amino acids) studies of seven species of Cassia L. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 2(3): 19-22
52 1998 Etiologic significance of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) pollen in respiratory allergy Current Science 75(2): 150-152
53 1997 Identification of the allergenic proteins of Ipomoea fistulosa pollen: Partial characterization and sensitivity test. Grana 36: 301-305
54 1997 Aerobiology and some chemical parameters of the pollen of a few members of Mimosaceae in Burdwan district, West Bengal. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 1: 12-19
55 1996 Protein and Free Amino Acid Composition of the Pollen of Four Species of Solanaceae. Journal of National Botanical Society 50: 89-92.
Publication: Books
Sl No. Year/Month Book Title Editor/Author ISBN No.
1 2015 Ecophysiology of Ipomoea pescaprae in the eastern coastline of India. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Authors: Tamal Chakraborty, Amal Kumar Mondal & Sanjukta Mondal (Parui) 978-3-659-75490-6
Publication: Chapters in books
Sl No. Year/Month Book Title Chapter Title Editor/Author ISBN No.
1 2019 Plants for Commercial Values, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India Threatened Subsistence of Economically Important Spinifex littoreus (Burm, f.) Merr. pp.195-210. Authors: Mondal, A.K., Chakraborty, T. and Mondal Parui, S., Ed. B. Singh 9789387973503
2 2015 Advancement in Plant Sciences, Lambert Academic Publishing, Morphometric, ultrastructural study and anti-herbivore defence of EFNs in three species of Cassia L. in West Bengal, India. pp. 58-65. Author: Ghosh, D., Mondal, A.K. and Mondal (Parui), Ed. Jana, B.K. and Mukherjee, S.K. 978-3-659-66936-1
3 2015 Advancement in Plant Sciences, Lambert Academic Publishing Investigation into the genetic diversity and taxonomic interrelationships of Ipomoea pescaprae (L.) R.Br. based on genomic DNA sequencing. pp. 250-257. Authors: Chakraborty, T. Mondal, A.K., and Mondal (Parui), S., Ed. Jana, B.K. and Mukherjee, S.K. 978-3-659-66936-1
4 2014 Ethnobotanical Studies in India, Deep Publications, New Delhi, Potent ethno-medicinal plants of coastal dune forests at West Bengal and adjacent Odisha: a new horizon for future prosperity. Pp. 284-290. Authors: T. Chakraborty, S. Mondal (Parui) and A. K. Mondal, Ed. Sanjeev Kumar Ed. Sanjeev Kumar Deep Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 10: 938070206X ISBN 13: 9789380702063
5 2009 Advances in Plant Biology (Debidas Bhattacharya Birth Centenary Commemorative Volume) The Isoenzyme Electrophoretic Evidence into the Homology of Rhizophores in Selaginella chrysocaulos Spring Mon. Authors: Mondal (Parui), S., Mondal, A.K. and Mandal, S., Eds. S. Mandal and S. Bhattacharya 0112500064
Publication: Popular Articles
Sl No. Articles Details
1 Mondal, A.K. and Parui (Mondal), S. (1997). DEVIL–TURNED-FRIEND. Science Reporter, 34(3): 52-54. ISSN 0036-8512.
2 Mondal, A.K. and Mondal (nee Parui), S. (1997). DEVILS TREE. Science Reporter, 34(6): 52-53. ISSN 0036-8512.
3 Mondal, A.K. and Mondal (nee Parui), S. (1997). THE STINGING NUISANCE. Science Reporter, 34(11): 52-55. ISSN 0036-8512.
4 Mondal, A.K. and Mondal (nee Parui), S. (1998). THE FLAMING BEAUTY OF THE RAINS. Science Reporter, 35(11): 52-54. ISSN 0036-8512
5 Mondal, A.K. and Mondal, S. (1998). WITHERING HEIGHTS. NB-Plus, The Statesman, 11th September, 1998.
6 Mondal, A.K. and Mondal Parui, S. (1998). HOOKED TO PLANTS. NB-Plus, The Statesman, 2nd October, 1998.
7 Mondal, A.K. and Mondal Parui, S. (1998). EXERCISES IN EXCELLENCE. NB-Plus, The Statesman, 20th November, 1998.
8 Mondal, A.K. and Mondal, S. (1998). THE ABODE OF PEACE. NB-Plus, The Statesman, 2nd April, 1998.
9 Mondal, A.K. and Mondal, S. (2000). KILLER PLANTS. Science Reporter, 37(3): 9-15). ISSN 0036-8512.
10 Mondal, A.K. and Mondal, S. (2001). PARASITIC PLANTS. Science Reporter, 38(12):51-55. ISSN 0036-8512.
11 Mondal, A.K. and Parui, S. (2003). PROLIFIC PHYTOPLANKTON. Science Reporter, 40(10): 52-55. ISSN 0036-8512.
12 Mondal Parui, S. and Mondal, A.K. (2004). PRODUCING SINGLE CELL PROTEINS. Science Reporter, 41(11): 47-49. ISSN 0036-8512.
13 Parui Mondal, S. and Mondal, A.K. (2006). MEETING THE TEA CHALLENGE. Science Reporter, 43(2): 13-15. ISSN 0036-8512.
14 Mondal, A.K. and Parui Mondal, S. (2006). MARINE PLASTIC POLLUTION-THREAT TO BIODIVERSITY. Science Reporter [Spectrum], 43(5): 17. ISSN 0036-8512.
15 Mondal, A.K. and Parui, S. (2007). THE FLAVOUR OF SOUTH INDIA. Science Reporter, 44(9): 20-23. ISSN 0036-8512.
16 Mondal, A.K., Parui, S., etc. (2010). ERODING BEACHES IN WEST BENGAL. Science Reporter, 47(6): 53-54. ISSN 0036-8512.
17 Mondal, A. K. and Parui Mondal, S. (2010). SEPTOPASER KHIDE (a Bengali article on Insectivorous Plants). Ekhon Aranyak, 1(4): 26-30.
18 Mondal Parui, S. and Mondal, A. K. (2010). JIB BAICHITRER BAICHITRAMAY PRANI SAAP (a Bengali article on Diversity of Snakes. Ekhon Aranyak, 1(5): 38-42.
19 Mondal, A. K. and Mondal (Parui), S. (2011). TODAY'S TEARS - TOMORROW'S FRIEND. Aranya, 1(1): 22-32. ISSN 2230- 9950.
20 Mondal, A. K. and Mondal (Parui), S. (2011). (a Bengali article on Biodiversity of Bhitarkanika). Ekhon Aranyak.
21 Mondal, A. K. and Mondal (Parui), S. (2011). PLANT MORPHOLOGY QUIZ. Science Reporter, 48(9): 58-59. ISSN 0036-8512.
23 Mondal, A. K. and Mondal (Parui), S. (2011). QUIZ ON BRYOPHYTES. Science Reporter, 48(12): 58-59. ISSN 0036-8512
24 Mondal, A. K. and Mondal, S. (2012). QUIZ ON FLOWERS. Science Reporter, 49(12): 58-59. ISSN 0036-8512.
25 Mondal, A. K. and Mondal Parui, S. (2013). WHAT MAKES PLANT ‘SLEEP’. Science Reporter, 50(7): 45-48. ISSN 0036-8512.
26 Mondal, A. K. and Mondal Parui, S. (2013). QUIZ ON BIODIVERSITY. Science Reporter, 50(8): 58-59. ISSN 0036-8512.
27 Mondal, A. K. and Mondal (Parui), S. (2013). TODAY’S TEARS- TOMORROW’S FRIEND. Petals, 1(2): 1-9. ISSN 2321-5070.
28 Mondal (Parui), S. and Mondal, A.K. (2014). QUIZ ON BIOTECHNOLOGY. Science Reporter, 51(1): 58-59. ISSN 0036-8512.
29 Mondal, A. K. and Mondal (Parui), S. (2014). QUIZ ON MANGROVES. Science Reporter, 51(6): 58-59. ISSN 0036-8512.
30 Mondal, A. K. and Mondal (Parui), S. (2014). FUN QUIZ ON POLLINATION BIOLOGY. Science Reporter, 51(8): 58-59. ISSN 0036-8512.
31 Mondal, A. K. and Mondal (Parui), S. (2014). GUTTATION-A NATURAL PHENOMENON: USEFUL MEDIUM FOR PRODUCTION OF RECOMBINANT PROTEINS. e-Newsletter, West Bengal Biodiversity Board, department of Environment, Government of West Bengal, 5(2):17-27
32 Mondal, A. K. and Mondal (Parui), S. (2014). GUTTATION-A NATURAL PHENOMENON: USEFUL MEDIUM FOR PRODUCTION OF RECOMBINANT PROTEINS. e-Newsletter, West Bengal Biodiversity Board, department of Environment, Government of West Bengal, 5(2):17-27
33 Mondal (Parui), S. and Mondal, A.K. (2015). FUN QUIZ ON FISHES. Science Reporter, 52(3): 60-61. ISSN No. 0036-8512.
Oral/Poster Presentation
Sl No. Date Title Title of Conference Organised By
1 29-10-2018 DNA Bar-coding: A sophisticate technique for identification of Medicinal plants “XXVIII Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy & International Symposium on Conservation of Angiosperm Diversity: Hidden Treasure of Today and Tomorrow “ Department of Botany, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat
2 12-12-2015 Mondal (Parui), S. (2015). Molecular Characterization of a conformational Epitope of a Type I allergy inducing pollen protein of Datura sp. Abst. p.11 National Conference on Frontiers in Life Sciences Alumni Association, School of Life Sciences, Sambalpur University
3 20-02-2014 Chakraborty, T., Mondal, A.K. and Mondal (Parui), S. (2014). Studies on phytodiversity indices and present conservation status of the coastal dune vegetation of West Bengal & adjacent Odisha. Abst. No. B1, p.65. 21st West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress Burdwan University
4 04-03-2010 18. Mondal, A.K. and Mondal (Parui), S. (2010). Cladistic Interrelationships within Leguminales (Caesalpiniaceae, Fabaceae and Mimosaceae): Based on Seed Protein Data. Abst. p.8. ‘17th West Bengal State Science & Technology Congress’ West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology and West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata in association with Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha.
5 26-11-2005 Mondal (Parui), S., Mondal, A.K. and Mandal, S. (2005). Identification and Partial Characterization of the Allergenic Proteins of Helianthus annuus L. Pollen. Proc. of National Conference on Current Researches in Plants and Microbial Sciences Abst. S3.O10, p.37. National Conference on Current Researches in Plants and Microbial Sciences The University of Burdwan
6 17-03-1997 Parui, S., and Mandal, S. (1997). Biochemistry and skin sensitivity test of the allergenic pollen of Datura metel L. Abst. 84, p.47. National Conference on Environmental Biopollution Brahmanand Post Graduate College, Kanpur and International Society of Plant & Environment, Kanpur
7 08-03-1996 2. Parui, S., Mondal, A.K. and Mandal, S. (1996). Protein and free amino acid composition of the pollen of four species of Solanaceae. Abst. 3.6, p.27. 8th National Conference on Aerobiology Yashwantrao Mohite College, Pune
8 18-12-1995 Parui, S., Mondal, A.K. and Mandal, S. (1995). Biochemical analysis of the pollen of Saccharum spontaneum Linn. and Cymbopogon schoenanthes Spreng. 29th Annual Convention of The Indian College of Allergy and Applied Immunology Bose Institute, Kolkata
Conferences/Seminars/Symposium/Workshops: Organized
Sl No. Start Date End Date Title Organised By Remarks
1 26-03-2019 27-03-2019 DBT sponsored Interdisciplinary Workshop under the DBT –STAR programme on "Application of Microscopy, Chromatography and other biochemical techniques for detection of Food adulteration and Determination of Blood group" Department of Zoology, Lady Brabourne College Organized and Attended as Resource Person
2 25-09-2018 26-09-2018 DBT sponsored Workshop under the DBT –STAR programme on " Determination of dissolved O2, free CO2, pH and BOD of Water sample and Estimation of Alkalinity, Hardness and Salinity of Water sample" Department of Zoology, Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata Organized and Attended as Resource Person
3 07-06-2018 21-06-2018 DBT sponsored Summer School under the DBT –STAR programme Department of Botany, Microbiology, Chemistry, Physics and Zoology, Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata Organized and Attended as Resource Person
4 09-12-2013 11-12-2013 DBT sponsored Interdisciplinary Workshop under the DBT –STAR programme on " Study of environmental toxicology (LC50 and LD50 of a pollutant – Time and Dose dependent), Identification of White Blood Cells and Types of Food adulteration" Department of Zoology, Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata Organized and Attended as Resource Person
5 06-11-2013 13-11-2013 DBT sponsored Workshop under the DBT –STAR programme on "PBR study of Lady Brabourne College campus, Extraction of proteins and Study of protein profile by Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)" • Department of Zoology, Lady Brabourne College Organized and Attended as Resource Person
6 10-12-2012 13-12-2012 DBT sponsored Interdisciplinary workshop under the DBT –STAR programme on "Cytology (Chromosome study) and Study of Blood groups & Haemoglobin content " Department of Zoology, Lady Brabourne College Organized and Attended as Resource Person
7 20-01-2011 21-01-2011 UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Bioresource and Human Welfare” Department of Zoology & Botany, Lady Brabourne College. Organized and Attended
Members of Different Academic Bodies
Sl No. Academic Bodies
1 Life member of the Zoological Society, Kolkata
2 Life member of Indian Science Congress
3 Life Member of National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi (NESA).
4 Editorial Board member of the Journal ARANYA - (Nature and Wildlife Conservation Society)
Sl No. Year/Month Details of Awards
1 2004 Received the UGC Research Award [Ref. No. F.30-1/2004 (SA-II), dated 31.03.04]
2 1992 Second Position in University in M.Sc. in Life Sciences from Sambalpur University
3 1990 Seventh Position in University in B.Sc.in Zoology from Sambalpur University
Any other Information
Other Information
Sangeet Visharad in Hindusthani Classical Music in Vocal from Chandigarh University, First from Eastern Zone (Gold Medalist), Sangeet Visharad in Hindusthani Classical Music in Violin from Chandigarh University,, Certificate Course in Rabindra Sangeet from Sangeet Bhawan, Viswa-Bharati University,