Ms. Sujata Dhar (Dutta)

Personal Profile
Ms. Sujata Dhar (Dutta)
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Zoology
Email Id
Year of Joining present service 2007
Date of Joining WBES 13-06-2007
Educational Qualifications
Passout Year Examination Passout From Division
2003 Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) University of Calcutta Ist
2001 Master of Science (M.Sc.) University of Calcutta Ist
1999 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) University of Calcutta Ist
College Served
College Name Served From Served Till
Lady Brabourne College 2007 Mar, 2025
Fakir Chand College (CSC) 2006 2007
Teaching Experience
UG Experience PG Experience
19 Years 2 Months 9 Years 2 Months

UG or PG College Name From Date To Date Duration
PG Lady Brabourne College 2016 Mar, 2025 9 Years 3 Month
UG Lady Brabourne College 2007 Mar, 2025 18 Years 3 Month
UG Fakir Chand College 2006 2007 1 Year
Area of Research and Interest
Oral/Poster Presentation
Sl No. Date Title Title of Conference Organised By
1 18-02-2017 "Giving coral reefs a future: Distribution, Status and Restoration of coral reef of India" Recent Advances in biological sciences Gurudas College
2 19-02-2016 "Faunal diversity of marine catch observed at Vishakhapatnam Harbor" "Aquatic resources and sustainable management" Central Calcutta science and culture organisation of India
3 14-03-2013 "Liposomes as therapeutic tools in medicinal field" UGC sponsored Refresher course University of Jadavpur
4 16-06-2011 "Diabetes mellitus-an overview and awareness" UGC sponsored Orientation programme University of Jadavpur
Conferences/Seminars/Symposium/Workshops: Organized
Sl No. Start Date End Date Title Organised By Remarks
1 26-03-2019 27-03-2019 A DBT Exchange Programme Workshop for the 1st year Physics Honours and 1st year Chemistry Honours students Department of Zoology students from the two departments attended the workshop in 2 batches over the 2days and they were given hands on training on the following topics: 1. Study of types of Food adulteration 2. Blood grouping
2 25-09-2018 26-09-2018 DBT sponsored workshopunder the DBT-STAR programme The Department of Zoology, Lady Brabourne College This program was conceived for the orientation of Under Graduate Honours students. The training comprised of lectures followed by practical/hands on sessions. The topic given below was covered in the workshop by practical hands-on training: Determination of dissolved O2,free CO2,pH and BOD of water sample Estimation of Alkalinity, Hardness and Salinity of water sample
3 18-01-2016 18-01-2016 DBT sponsored workshop The Department of Zoology, Lady Brabourne College This program was conceived for the orientation of Under Graduate Honours students. The training comprised of lectures followed by practical/hands on sessions. The topic given below was covered in the workshop by practical hands-on training: 1. Study of Parasitism.
4 09-12-2013 11-12-2013 A DBT Exchange Programme Workshop for the 1st year Physics Honours and 2nd year Chemistry Honours students Department of Zoology A total of 48 students from the two departments attended the workshop in 3 batches over the three days and they were given hands on training on the following topics: 1. Study of types of Food adulteration 2. Study of environmental toxicology (LC50 and LD50 of a pollutant – Time and Dose dependent) 3. Identification of White Blood Cells
5 06-11-2013 13-11-2013 A DBT sponsored workshop was organized for the 3rd year Zoology Honours students Department of Zoology A total of 27 students from the department attended the workshop and they were given hands on training on the following topics: 1. PBR study of Lady Brabourne College campus 2. Extraction of proteins 3. Study of protein profile by Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
6 10-12-2012 13-12-2012 DBT sponsored workshop The Department of Zoology, Lady Brabourne College This program was conceived for the orientation of Under Graduate Honours students, and the program hosted only the Second Year Zoology Honours students of the current academic session (2012-2013). The workshop was attended by students perusing B.Sc. in Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology in the same college. The training comprised of lectures followed by practical/hands on sessions. The topics given below were covered in the workshop by practical hands-on training: Cytology (Chromosome study) and Blood grouping and haemoglobin study
Members of Different Academic Bodies
Sl No. Academic Bodies
1 Life member of the Zoological Society, Kolkata.